The core of the message of Brain Based Safety is presented in 10 short animated movies of ± 4 minutes each. These animations explain (un)safe behavior in general and the competences needed to lead a safe working team. These animations can be viewed together during a Toolbox meeting, but can also be viewed individually on a smart phone.
Each of the 10 Toolboxes contains 3 components.
- Animation (approx. 4 mins), Animation including pause moments for discussing a question.
- Instructions for the session facilitator, Instructional video explaining the Toolbox and the pause moments.
- Session script (PDF) that can be used with the Toolbox, Poster (PDF) that can be printed and displayed, summarizing the session.
Below is a link to the Demo. This demo includes the introduction video and the first Toolbox.
Safety survey
Most companies place great value on safety. Safety is usually understood as the absence of accidents. However, there is a difference between the absence of unsafety (negative definition) and safe working (positive definition). Brain Based Safety approaches safety as the result of a well-managed process. Such a process guarantees not only safe working but also quality and outcome. A central element here is ‘having control’, or grip. To gain and maintain grip, behavior is an important factor. Scientific research shows that employee experience is a crucial indicator for future safety performance. By measuring these perceptions, insight into future behavior is gained. This insight enables management to proactively steer behavior.
The measurement is conducted through surveys among three target groups: Employees, Office, and Management. The questionnaire is accessible via a QR code or a link. The list consists of a hundred questions, to be answered in 10 to 15 minutes. On the phone screen, a question appears at a time. Answering is done by moving a horizontal slider.”
Each group receives its own questionnaire. These questionnaires are supplemented with specific questions tailored to the organization. This ensures that the questions better align with the work environment, resulting in more reliable answers.
An extensive report that is divided into the different BBS (Brain Based Safety) themes. Each chapter starts with a summary of the Brain Based Safety theory. This allows one to understand the background of the questions, even if they have never attended a training. Next, you will find an analysis of the answers for each theme. This analysis forms the basis upon which recommendations are based. Finally, the report contains advice based on the measurement. Positive and negative outliers are identified. The strength of the positive scores can help to improve the negative scores. This way, grip on the process can be improved.
Management training
The management and frontline supervisors are the main influencers of safe behavior in the workplace. The employee acts independently and makes his own choices. These choices are strongly influenced by the intentions of the leaders. Unsafe behavior of employees cannot therefore be viewed separately from the behavior of the line.
During the training, the focus will be on the possibilities that the line has to influence the behavior of the employees. This can be done through their own behavior, through team behavior, through the content of the assignments, through the regulation of workload, through the manner in which rules are set and monitored, and through the organization of work and workplace. Leadership training is given top-down via 1 and 2-day training.
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Train the trainer
Larger organizations can use train the trainer facilities. HR officers and safety specialists are trained to train management and the first-line supervisor.
Based Safety provides the license to use the method, the course material and exercises / film material. After the train-the-trainer, the trainees can independently provide training within the organization.
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360 degree feedback
The firstline supervisor is a very important influencer of safe behavior. Brain Based Safety has defined 7 competencies for the supervisor in managing safety. These competences are described in the book “The first line supervisor and safe work behavior”.
The 7 competencies have been translated into a 360 ° feedback tool. This tool compares a self-score with the views of the boss, close colleagues and employees of the own team. The results can be used as a starting point for a leadership training.
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Brain Based Safety provides lectures for conferences and safety events. These lectures usually last 60 to 90 minutes and customization is provided where possible.
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